Thursday, June 11, 2009

Reflective Journal

When I first picked a topic for the independant unit, I chose the topic of children stories and the meaning behind them. I realized, as we were getting closer to the presentation date for this unit, that because I had so much school work to do, that I should kill two birds with one stone by changing my topic to musical theatre because this way I could obtain research for both Advanced English and Advanced Music. I also thought that musical theatre would be a wise choice because I have a background in musical theatre, have studied musical theatre all of my life and therefore felt that I would not have to do much research for the project.

I realized that the topic of musical theatre, in general, is far too broad and I needed to narrow it down. Lately, I have discovered, within myself, a passion for world history, politial science, and global issues. I discovered this passion after completing Mr. Melanson's Histoire Planataire course. I decided that I should specify my topic by picking a specific musical that has interesting setting and historical background so that I could tie in my two loves which are musical theatre and history.
I chose the musical Evita because it is set in Argentina and has an interesting historical background about the civil war in Argentina and about the famous Eva and Juan Peron.

I discovered that the research process on this musical was not that easy because there was a lot of information to go through and to comprise into one presentation. I am, however, glad that I chose my topic of Evita, the musical because I own the movie, it is one of my favorite musicals and the research component was very interesting and enlightening.

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